In order to continue the Foundation’s efforts in shaping the future of musical theatre in Central/Eastern Europe and North America, we must address two major concerns of utmost importance: (1) Access to established Western works, as well as the development of new original material that is expressive of the indigenous cultural milieu, (2) A facility to house administrative offices, classes, workshops, rehearsals and performances.

A goal of $300,000 has been established by the Board of Directors to accomplish this task. Your tax-deductible contribution (501(c)(3) status pending) will help us to reach our goal and have a direct impact on the training programs and presentations we offer to the community.

I am confident that we can make this possible by launching this two-pronged fund-raising campaign-premiering our first original Romanian musical theatre work, based on a Romanian folk tale Harap Alb, and securing a permanent site for the continuation of our educational and professional training programs.

Your contribution will enable us to continue to provide excellence in Musical Theatre Arts training and performance throughout Central/Eastern Europe and North America. We urgently need your support.

I invite you to join us by making a contribution today.


What your contribution accomplishes:

Assures - Emerging artist, professionals, small theatre companies and traditionally undeserved communities the opportunity to participate in the arts.

Realizes - Cultural understanding between diverse populations through a reawakening to traditional arts and cultural histories.

Targets - Innovative, challenging new works that examine and expand the role of the arts in culture and society.

- MMTAF's commitment to excellence in training, development, and performance.


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